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sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008


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China pendeja, por que carajos la quiero tanto?!

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008

Graduate Student's Recipes - Part III

Ok, There is a good site with useful information about recipes you can cook easy enough while you are a grad student.

The Graduate Student Cookbook

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

Graduate Stundent Recipes - Part II

Ok, continuing with the series, I will explain you another good recipe to survive while you are in your PhD.

Cheese and Something Sandwiches

- American Cheese
- Sliced Bread
- Ham

Put a slice of cheese and one of ham in the middle of two slices of bread. Pack them in a bag and heat them in the microwave for 15 - 35 seconds before eating.

This recipe is perfect for those days you have four classes in a row. It is really good because the cheese will melt very fast in the microwave!!!

The important thing about the recipe is that you don't actually need ham ( I run out of ham yesterday :P ) because the cheese. So you can use almost anything in the fridge to replace it. I have used tomato, mushrooms, bacon, scrambled eggs, paprika, more cheese :P, etc.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Graduate Students recipies

Now that I am a "new grad student", I have been trying to learn how to survive, enjoy and hopefully live in the institute.

I have been in USA for about a month. The first week is just like a trip, everything is completely new for you. But, a couple of weeks after the arriving, you realize that you should be able to do everything for yourself.

So you start doing your maths for your expenses.

By now, I will try to cook by myself in order to save some money. The last two or three weeks, I ate something I call "la camilada". It's just everything you can find in your fridge, cut into small pieces and cooked together. It's taste is good and it is healthy. The recipe is:

La Camilada - Basic recipe
recipe for 4 servings (you know, weekly cooking and lunching in the restaurant sometimes)


Half a Onion
One Tomato
A tablespoon of oil
One chicken breast


Cut everything in small pieces. Fry the onion in the oil taking care of not burning it. When the onion is ready, add the tomato (salt, pepper and condiments) and wait until it takes a brilliant aspect (what is called in my home country "Hogao" stirring constantly). Lower the flame of the stove and add the pieces of chicken, cover the pan with the cap and wait until the breast cooks well. If you see that it is not well cooked, but there is no more liquid in the bottom of the pan, you can add a little of water.

This is the very basic recipe. You can modify it in order to have some variety, for example:

La Camilada - More interesting recipe
recipe for 4 servings (you know, weekly cooking and lunching in the restaurant sometimes)


Half a Onion
One Tomato
A tablespoon of oil
One chicken breast
paprika (pimentón)


Cut everything in small pieces (except, maybe the peas). Fry the onion in the oil taking care of not burning it. When the onion is ready, add the tomato (salt, pepper and condiments) and wait until it takes a brilliant aspect (what is called in my home country "Hogao" stirring constantly). Lower the flame of the stove and add the pieces of chicken and the pork, cover the pan with the cap and wait until the breast cooks well. If you see that it is not well cooked, but there is no more liquid in the bottom of the pan, you can add a little of water. When the chicken and the pork are well coocked, add the vegetables after the ----. Try not to stir too much because the idea is to cook the vegetables by steam.

Ok, this have worked for me so far. Next week I'll try to change the menu :P