Conexión via telnet/ssh con una planta telefónica AVAYA (Definity o intuity)
Al intentar conectarse a una planta telefónica AVAYA se tiene el inconveniente que las teclas de funcion (F1-F12) no son reconocidas como desde el ASA. Encontré este .Xdefaults para hacer que con xterm funcionen suficientemente bien.
Para usarlo basta cargarlos con
y luego hacer telnet al servidor en el puerto indicado, en mi caso
*SimpleMenu*BackingStore: NotUseful
*SimpleMenu*menuLabel.font: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
*SimpleMenu*menuLabel.vertSpace: 100
*SimpleMenu*HorizontalMargins: 16
*SimpleMenu*Sme.height: 16
*SimpleMenu*Cursor: left_ptr
*mainMenu.Label: Main Options
*mainMenu*securekbd*Label: Secure Keyboard
*mainMenu*allowsends*Label: Allow SendEvents
*mainMenu*logging*Label: Log to File
*mainMenu*print*Label: Print Window
*mainMenu*redraw*Label: Redraw Window
*mainMenu*8-bit control*Label: 8-Bit Controls
*mainMenu*backarrow key*Label: Backarrow Key (BS/DEL)
*mainMenu*num-lock*Label: Alt/NumLock Modifiers
*mainMenu*meta-esc*Label: Meta Sends Escape
*mainMenu*delete-is-del*Label: Delete is DEL
*mainMenu*oldFunctionKeys*Label: Old Function-Keys
*mainMenu*sunFunctionKeys*Label: Sun Function-Keys
*mainMenu*sunKeyboard*Label: VT220 Keyboard
*mainMenu*hpFunctionKeys*Label: HP Function-Keys
*mainMenu*scoFunctionKeys*Label: SCO Function-Keys
*mainMenu*suspend*Label: Send STOP Signal
*mainMenu*continue*Label: Send CONT Signal
*mainMenu*interrupt*Label: Send INT Signal
*mainMenu*hangup*Label: Send HUP Signal
*mainMenu*terminate*Label: Send TERM Signal
*mainMenu*kill*Label: Send KILL Signal
*mainMenu*quit*Label: Quit
*vtMenu.Label: VT Options
*vtMenu*scrollbar*Label: Enable Scrollbar
*vtMenu*jumpscroll*Label: Enable Jump Scroll
*vtMenu*reversevideo*Label: Enable Reverse Video
*vtMenu*autowrap*Label: Enable Auto Wraparound
*vtMenu*reversewrap*Label: Enable Reverse Wraparound
*vtMenu*autolinefeed*Label: Enable Auto Linefeed
*vtMenu*appcursor*Label: Enable Application Cursor Keys
*vtMenu*appkeypad*Label: Enable Application Keypad
*vtMenu*scrollkey*Label: Scroll to Bottom on Key Press
*vtMenu*scrollttyoutput*Label: Scroll to Bottom on Tty Output
*vtMenu*allow132*Label: Allow 80/132 Column Switching
*vtMenu*cursesemul*Label: Enable Curses Emulation
*vtMenu*visualbell*Label: Enable Visual Bell
*vtMenu*poponbell*Label: Enable Pop on Bell
*vtMenu*marginbell*Label: Enable Margin Bell
*vtMenu*cursorblink*Label: Enable Blinking Cursor
*vtMenu*titeInhibit*Label: Enable Alternate Screen Switching
*vtMenu*activeicon*Label: Enable Active Icon
*vtMenu*softreset*Label: Do Soft Reset
*vtMenu*hardreset*Label: Do Full Reset
*vtMenu*clearsavedlines*Label: Reset and Clear Saved Lines
*vtMenu*tekshow*Label: Show Tek Window
*vtMenu*tekmode*Label: Switch to Tek Mode
*vtMenu*vthide*Label: Hide VT Window
*vtMenu*altscreen*Label: Show Alternate Screen
*fontMenu.Label: VT Fonts
*fontMenu*fontdefault*Label: Default
*fontMenu*font1*Label: Unreadable
*VT100*font1: nil2
*IconFont: nil2
*fontMenu*font2*Label: Tiny
*VT100*font2: 5x7
*fontMenu*font3*Label: Small
*VT100*font3: 6x10
*fontMenu*font4*Label: Medium
*VT100*font4: 7x13
*fontMenu*font5*Label: Large
*VT100*font5: 9x15
*fontMenu*font6*Label: Huge
*VT100*font6: 10x20
*fontMenu*fontescape*Label: Escape Sequence
*fontMenu*fontsel*Label: Selection
!fontescape and fontsel overridden by application
*fontMenu*font-linedrawing*Label: Line-Drawing Characters
*fontMenu*font-doublesize*Label: Doublesized Characters
*fontMenu*font-loadable*Label: VT220 Soft Fonts
*tekMenu.Label: Tek Options
*tekMenu*tektextlarge*Label: Large Characters
*tekMenu*tektext2*Label: #2 Size Characters
*tekMenu*tektext3*Label: #3 Size Characters
*tekMenu*tektextsmall*Label: Small Characters
*tekMenu*tekpage*Label: PAGE
*tekMenu*tekreset*Label: RESET
*tekMenu*tekcopy*Label: COPY
*tekMenu*vtshow*Label: Show VT Window
*tekMenu*vtmode*Label: Switch to VT Mode
*tekMenu*tekhide*Label: Hide Tek Window
*tek4014*fontLarge: 9x15
*tek4014*font2: 8x13
*tek4014*font3: 6x13
*tek4014*fontSmall: 6x10
! Enable Colour by default.
*VT100*colorMode: on
*VT100*boldColors: on
*VT100*dynamicColors: on
! Uncomment this to use color for underline attribute
!*VT100*colorULMode: on
!*VT100*underLine: off
! Uncomment this to use color for the bold attribute
!*VT100*colorBDMode: on
! Uncomment this to use the bold/underline colors in preference to other colors
!*VT100*colorAttrMode: on
*VT100*color0: black
*VT100*color1: red3
*VT100*color2: green3
*VT100*color3: yellow3
*VT100*color4: blue3
*VT100*color5: magenta3
*VT100*color6: cyan3
*VT100*color7: gray90
*VT100*color8: gray30
*VT100*color9: red
*VT100*color10: green
*VT100*color11: yellow
*VT100*color12: blue
*VT100*color13: magenta
*VT100*color14: cyan
*VT100*color15: white
*VT100*colorUL: yellow
*VT100*colorBD: white
*.vt100.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1
*.vt100.encodingMode: locale
*.PtyInitialErase: on
*VT100.BctLabel1: : F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 SF1 SF2 SF3
*VT100.BctLabel2: : PrevPg PrvFld NxtFld NxtPg Submit BacTab Cancel Help NxtFrm Refrsh ClrFld Update
*VT100.Translations: #override\
~ShiftF1: string("\033OP") \n\
~ShiftF7: string("\033OV") \n\
~ShiftF8: string("\033OW") \n\
~ShiftF2: string("\033OQ") \n\
~ShiftF3: string("\033OR") \n\
~ShiftF4: string("\033OS") \n\
~ShiftF5: string("\033OT") \n\
~ShiftF6: string("\033Or") \n\
Para usarlo basta cargarlos con
xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
y luego hacer telnet al servidor en el puerto indicado, en mi caso
1 comentarios:
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Camilo, A las
11 de enero de 2008, 18:02
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